Revolutionize CPG with FAi: Where Vision Meets Action. Know More

How is this MNC in India changing Consumer Habits?

Featuring conversations with eminent Industry leaders on key challenges, trending issues and hot topics that matter the most.


Siladitya Sarangi
Country Manager, Deoleo India

Paramdeep Singh
CEO, FieldAssist

One of the youngest Country Managers in the FMCG industry in India, Siladitya is genuinely down-to-earth and remarkably jovial, despite the cut-throat, aggressive industry he works in.

With more than 15 years’ experience in the industry, Sila, as we affectionately call him, has developed a very keen eye on using the combination of people and technology to scale up a premium product like olive oil.

Catch him as he spills the beans on how Deoleo is evolving the olive oil-usage habits in Indian consumers , how he’s building a fan following amongst his distributors and what someone can expect if he or she is considering a career in the FMCG sector.

Key Points

00:23- Shiladitya Sarangi’s Introduction

00:50- How has the olive oil industry evolved over the years?

01:43- Initiatives taken by Figaro for shifting from wellness to a kitchen product?

02:40- How is Deoleo handling the competition?

05:00- Practices for motivating sales team and controlling attrition?

07:35- Any distributor or sales experience/anecdote?

09:18- How has automation helped the brand to take your products to the masses?

10:55- The future route to digital transformation for Deoleo?

14:22- How has the retailer app helped the brand grow

16:57- What has been the growth of Deoleo?

17:40- Wisdom nuggets for people planning to work in the FMCG industry?

Happy Listening!